For those of you who kept up with my Sims 3 Next Top Model Album at Simscave, you know the results!!! For those of you who USED to follow it but got kicked's what you missed! And for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about...YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES ;)
Basically it was my version of the TV America's Next Top Model...but for the Sims! Here were the results.
1st place-Emilia
3rd- Pearlie
4th- Carlene
5th- Nannie
6th- Noemi
7th- Penelope
8th- Mai
I will be sharing aallllll of these lovely models right here on my blog, starting with 8th place and working my way up to first...I'll probably share one a day, starting keep the suspense going ;)
Ta-ta my lovies!!!
PS- For the next season, I want to see if YOUR sims have what it takes!!!!!
If you think you have a lovely lady sim capable of modeling, post her picture, name, and any additional info you'd like me to know in either an email to , or on the Sims 3 Next Top Model Album at SC. Here are the only requirements for your model.
1. She must either be stick skinny (no fat & no muscle), or a plus sized models. Plus sized models may be larger, but if it's to the point where it affects their face drastically, they probably won't make the cut...either skinny, or large- no in betweens!!!
2. Do NOT try to submit a sim someone else made/a premade sim from EA.
3. Picture must the sim with little or no makeup. - light blush or neutral lipstick is acceptable. Please show a close up of her face, and a full length of her body.
4. You must be able to share this sim with me in some way or another. - note- I don't have the awesomemod sliderhack....if your sim shows up completely different in my game, I may disqualify her.
5. Must be a young adult
6. Make her unique!
BE CREATIVE, HAVE FUN! I'll probaby be accepting entries until the end of August. I only need eight, so hurry and get your spot today!